Psalm 138:7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
Say hi, too my cousin Alfonzo Villa.
from Javier Villa.
Philippians 4:21 Salute every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren which are with me greet you.
Hi Brother Ed!
I’m Javier Campos Friend, and I help hem, in Long Beach some years ago.
I been visit few times to Bell flower, were his preaching.
I sink we met before.
I have a question, am if your father in love is my cousin from Bell Flower?
Say hay to Hem, for me please.
If we are not met before, my hope is that day come soon.
Your Brother by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Javier Villa
Hola mi hermana que placer encontrarlo y contactarlo por este medio que se ha convertido en un excelente medio de mantener comunion con hermandad de todo el mundo. Bienvenido y bendiciones
Bienvenida al grupo, Dios te bendiga grandemente, espero que aproveches al 100% tu espacio para estar en contacto con hermanos en Cristo de muchos lugares que se han ido agregando poco a poco, te invito a visitar mi espacio y ademas leer mi boletin que comparto con hermanos en Cristo como ustedes, saludos a tu familia y a los hermanos en Cristo de la congregacion en donde te reunes para Adorar y Glorificar al Señor. Boletin El Pescador No. 113.pdf
Comentarios para hi5
Say hi, too my cousin Alfonzo Villa.
from Javier Villa.
Philippians 4:21 Salute every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren which are with me greet you.
We miss you and we miss brother Alfonzo but I recieved you mail about you family plans, well God bless you and first God we see you next sunday.
Romans 8:34-39
I’m Javier Campos Friend, and I help hem, in Long Beach some years ago.
I been visit few times to Bell flower, were his preaching.
I sink we met before.
I have a question, am if your father in love is my cousin from Bell Flower?
Say hay to Hem, for me please.
If we are not met before, my hope is that day come soon.
Your Brother by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Javier Villa
God bless!
Boletin El Pescador No. 113.pdf