Hola hermano. espero que El Señor este siempre con usted y su familia. Le invito a que pase a ver el grupo "HISTORIA DE TU CONGREGACION" y nos de su comentario o aporte con informacion.
Que DIOS le bendiga.
Mateo 6:14, 15 Porque si perdonáis a los hombres sus ofensas, os perdonará también a vosotros vuestro Padre celestial; mas si no perdonáis a los hombres sus ofensas, tampoco vuestro Padre os perdonará vuestras ofensas.
Remember that all Bible learning must be taken in context. Understanding verse 14 is easier when you also read verse 15.
You must also go back to the original forgiveness. God, in a sense, forgave man even before he fell in the garden of Eden. Does this make sense? It is one of the problems I have with Angel’s doctrine. They dictate that el evangelio is 1 Cor 15 "muerte, sepultura, resureccion y aparicion de Cristo" as if it were a list to be followed and not a realization that should be lived. That is why verses like the one you mentioned are so very foreign to them. Its not a book of rules, its a guide to how we must live. Does that make sense?
Why would we forgive others their offenses? We do this when we come to the realization that we are sinners, and as you said last night, murderers, liars, harassers, etc. When we realize that we are all unworthy of the gift of God is when we begin to be appreciative of not only the gift, but of the gift giver. Juan 17:3 dice: Y esta es la vida eterna, que te CONOSCAN a ti el unico Dios verdadero y a Jesucristo, tu hijo, a quien tu has enviado. To know him is to realize what he has done for us, what he has sacrificed. We begin to realize the essence that exist in each and every one of us that comes from God, we are su semejanza e imagen. If we can’t love, he who we see, how can we love He who we cant. If we cant forgive he who has offended us, how are we to receive that which we are unwilling to give.... its like the deudor who owed one million dollars and was forgiven and the one that owed him one hundred he had put in jail...
Does that make sense? These following passages intertwine with Mateo 6:14, 15
Marcos 11:25-26 Y cuando estéis orando, perdonad, si tenéis algo contra alguno, para que también vuestro Padre que está en los cielos os perdone a vosotros vuestras ofensas. Porque si vosotros no perdonáis, tampoco vuestro Padre que está en los cielos os perdonará vuestras ofensas
Luke 6:37 No juzguéis, y no seréis juzgados; no condenéis, y no seréis condenados; perdonad, y seréis perdonados.
Colosenses 3:13 soportándoos unos a otros, y perdonándoos unos a otros si alguno tuviere queja contra otro. De la manera que Cristo os perdonó, así también hacedlo vosotros.
Let me know what you think. Oh... here is an anecdote that I love:
Some of life's hurts are so deep and painful that to forgive the people who caused them seems impossible. Yet Jesus says that we can't experience His forgiveness if we have an unforgiving spirit.
In World War II, Corrie Ten Boom and her sister Betsie were arrested for concealing Jews and were sent to a German concentration camp. Betsie died a slow and terrible death as a result of the cruel treatment.
Then, in 1947, Corrie spoke about God's forgiveness to a church in Munich. Afterward, a man sought her out. She recognized him as one of the guards who had mistreated her and Betsie. He told her that he had become a Christian, and with extended hand he asked for her forgiveness. Corrie struggled with her feelings, but when she recalled the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:15, she knew she had to forgive. She silently prayed, "Jesus, help me!" and thrust her hand into the hand of her former tormentor.
Someone has said, "Forgiveness is not a case of 'holy amnesia' that wipes out the past. Instead, it is the experience of healing that drains the poison from the wound."
God asks us to do for others what He has done for us through Jesus Christ. He'll give us strength to forgive.
SALUDOS con el amor de Cristo Elena
Que DIOS le bendiga.
reciba saludos de la familia
bueno, Dios lo bendiga.
Remember that all Bible learning must be taken in context. Understanding verse 14 is easier when you also read verse 15.
You must also go back to the original forgiveness. God, in a sense, forgave man even before he fell in the garden of Eden. Does this make sense? It is one of the problems I have with Angel’s doctrine. They dictate that el evangelio is 1 Cor 15 "muerte, sepultura, resureccion y aparicion de Cristo" as if it were a list to be followed and not a realization that should be lived. That is why verses like the one you mentioned are so very foreign to them. Its not a book of rules, its a guide to how we must live. Does that make sense?
Why would we forgive others their offenses? We do this when we come to the realization that we are sinners, and as you said last night, murderers, liars, harassers, etc. When we realize that we are all unworthy of the gift of God is when we begin to be appreciative of not only the gift, but of the gift giver. Juan 17:3 dice: Y esta es la vida eterna, que te CONOSCAN a ti el unico Dios verdadero y a Jesucristo, tu hijo, a quien tu has enviado. To know him is to realize what he has done for us, what he has sacrificed. We begin to realize the essence that exist in each and every one of us that comes from God, we are su semejanza e imagen. If we can’t love, he who we see, how can we love He who we cant. If we cant forgive he who has offended us, how are we to receive that which we are unwilling to give.... its like the deudor who owed one million dollars and was forgiven and the one that owed him one hundred he had put in jail...
Does that make sense? These following passages intertwine with Mateo 6:14, 15
Marcos 11:25-26 Y cuando estéis orando, perdonad, si tenéis algo contra alguno, para que también vuestro Padre que está en los cielos os perdone a vosotros vuestras ofensas. Porque si vosotros no perdonáis, tampoco vuestro Padre que está en los cielos os perdonará vuestras ofensas
Luke 6:37 No juzguéis, y no seréis juzgados; no condenéis, y no seréis condenados; perdonad, y seréis perdonados.
Colosenses 3:13 soportándoos unos a otros, y perdonándoos unos a otros si alguno tuviere queja contra otro. De la manera que Cristo os perdonó, así también hacedlo vosotros.
Let me know what you think. Oh... here is an anecdote that I love:
Some of life's hurts are so deep and painful that to forgive the people who caused them seems impossible. Yet Jesus says that we can't experience His forgiveness if we have an unforgiving spirit.
In World War II, Corrie Ten Boom and her sister Betsie were arrested for concealing Jews and were sent to a German concentration camp. Betsie died a slow and terrible death as a result of the cruel treatment.
Then, in 1947, Corrie spoke about God's forgiveness to a church in Munich. Afterward, a man sought her out. She recognized him as one of the guards who had mistreated her and Betsie. He told her that he had become a Christian, and with extended hand he asked for her forgiveness. Corrie struggled with her feelings, but when she recalled the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:15, she knew she had to forgive. She silently prayed, "Jesus, help me!" and thrust her hand into the hand of her former tormentor.
Someone has said, "Forgiveness is not a case of 'holy amnesia' that wipes out the past. Instead, it is the experience of healing that drains the poison from the wound."
God asks us to do for others what He has done for us through Jesus Christ. He'll give us strength to forgive.
Reciba afectuosos saludos desde Victoria y esperamos verle pronto por aqui primeramente Dios.