Leadership (6)

XIII Reunión Nacional de Predicadores

En Sulphur Springs, TX se celebró este año la reunión anual de predicadores con expositores de diversos estados y de distintas naciones. Los temas giraron en torno a la unidad de la iglesia y la santidad. En la reunión, además de fortalecer los lazos de unidad y amistad, se hicieron varias propuestas interesantes. A continuación estamos subiendo varios de los temas presentados en las conferencias y talleres que se efectuaron los días 7 y 8 de Agosto de 2015. Muchas gracias a felicitaciones a los organizadores, anfitriones y participantes. Anticipamos muy buenos sucesos como resultado de este encuentro.

Para que el mundo crea que tú me enviaste (Taller por Norberto Otero)

Perfectos en unidad (Taller por Salvador Estrada)

Los talleres presentados por Henry Roncancio, «Por ellos yo me santifico a mi mismo» y «Una misma mente y un mismo parecer», están disponibles por escrito y se pueden descargar haciendo clic aquí.

El amor con que me has amado esté en ellos (Taller por Carlos Barrientos)

Guardalos del mal (Taller presentado por Norberto Otero)

Para que vean mi gloria (Conferencia por Dionisio Santillán)

Yo ruego por ellos porque son tuyos (Taller por Scott Holly Emery)

La vid (Segmento de la Conferencia presentada por Salvador Estrada)

Que habléis todos una misma cosa (Conferencia presentada por Carlos Barrientos)

La oración de Jesús por la unidad (Conferencia por Dionisio Santillán)

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All One In Christ


Galatians 3:26-28  is a classical affirmation of unity in the New Testament. It is illustrative to consider that in his letter Paul deals with the segregation of gentiles Christians by their fellow Jewish believers. Division, hatred, and segregation have always been a problem for humanity and it has permeate the church in many ways. In Galatians 3, Paul present us with two central truths which are fundamental to us in the 21st century if we want to to speak of unity with relevance and power. 

Click the word sermon, to read the speech of Henry Roncancio on this topic at the Unity Event in Detroit, MI on August 24, 2014.

Click here to see the Slide Presentation

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A Brand New Year

Pronto 2013 will be over, and we will joyfully embrace a fresh 2014. Are you ready? Will you receive it with enthusiasm and optimism? Will it be better year? Are you anticipating accomplishments and success?

God willing, on January 1st you will wake up to a brand new year and a whole world of possibilities. But only you can convert probabilities into exciting realities. You will need passion, commitment, faith, hard work, and endurance. Therefore, here is something urgent you must complete before December is over.

Moving Forward

Please, make sure that, by December the 31st, you have dumped all your loads from 2013. Unsolved problems, incomplete projects, and undone tasks can absorb all your energy. To begin 2014 with impetus, you must rid yourself of old concerns. Do not come distressed to a new year. To be successful in 2014, you have to be loaded but with energy and vigor. Take out a clean sheet of paper now and make a list of all things you have to close before December is over. Work on each item and complete them all. Here are some suggestions.


  1. Search your soul. Are there any inner conflicts, resentments, anxieties, fears, or doubts? Forgive, pray, and decide to trust God.
  2. Examine your relationships.  Do you have any problems with friends, colleagues, relatives, or fellow Christians in you Church? Any unfulfilled promises? Have you distanced yourself from your helpers? Have you neglected your friends? Have you offended someone? Do you need to be reconciled with someone? Resolve your difficulties now.
  3. Probe your habits and attitudes. What habits were actual barriers to your progress in 2013? What habits did you lack? What attitudes were obstacles in the way? Identify three habits or attitudes you would like to change. Decide to discontinue habits and attitudes which keep you back and to implement whichever help your goals. Plan to execute your decisions starting right on January 1st.
  4. Check you work. Is there anything pending? Any call you have to make? Any letters to write? Any tasks to complete? Finish what you have to finish before the 31st.
  5. Plan and exciting and happy welcome for 2014. Once you have removed all your 2013 burdens, you will be ready to seize the numerous opportunities 2014 will bring!

May God bless you and have a happy New Year!

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